Category: Philippine Passport

List of DFA Offices and Contact Numbers

One of the main reasons why people are looking for the Department of Foreign Affair (DFA) Office in the Philippines near them is for passport application or passport related matters. While some are related to VISA applications or getting Red Ribbon Documents (authentication). Although, there are useful information …

How to Renew Philippine Passport 2021

The renewal of your Philippine Passport is much faster and easier than the first time you applied to get yours in the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Office. This is because your personal information are already encoded and stored in the DFA database, it possibly just needs few …

How to Get Philippine Passport 2021

A Philippine Passport is a travel document issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in the Philippines. It is primarily used in international travel that serves as a valid document which certifies the passport holder’s true identity and nationality. To get a Philippine Passport, applicants must comply …